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Caviahue Ski Resort is the ideal ski center for families who are new to skiing and snowboarding, even for those who prefer to mix between crossings, sports, gastronomy and relaxation. Although there are itineraries for experts who seek to challenge their own limits, we tell you the step by step to plan your first snow vacation.


¡Bienvenidos a la aventura del esquí en Caviahue! Si es tu primera vez esquiando, sigue estos consejos y pasos para disfrutar al máximo de esta increíble experiencia.



  1. To enter the complex you must acquire the PASSES that are classified in Minor and Major. Children under 5 or over 70 years old DO NOT PAY.

  2. At the base of the hill are the ticket offices, although we suggest making the purchase online in advance to avoid delays.

  3. The PASE is non-transferable and personal. It is hired for CONSECUTIVE days, for example: if you buy your pass for July 1, 2 and 3, the day 07/04 is already expired and you cannot enter. (see General Conditions)

  4. You can buy PASSES from 1/2 day to 7 days. (see Pass Rates).

  5. You have several PASE alternatives depending on where you live, age and season: residents of Caviahue, Loncopué and Huecú have a 50% discount on the PASE per season. (see Pass Rates).

  6. If you are a resident of the Valley (Neuquén and Río Negro) you have a 25% discount in low season.

  7. If you are a university student and you accredit it with a "Regular Student Certificate", you also have differential rates.

  8. If you are not going to ski, you have the option of the "Chairlift Ride" to be dazzled with panoramic views from the Pehuén parador.

  9. IMPORTANT: If you buy your pass online, they will contact you via email to validate your purchase through a VOUCHER.

  10. VOUCHERS MUST BE PRESENTED IN PRINTED FORM ONLY at the box office. Without exception.

  11. Remember that in Caviahue, as in many parts of the interior of the country, you do NOT have constant access to the internet, that means that you cannot download the vouchers from your cell phone.

  12. You will always have to go through the ticket offices to collect your PASE cards with the PRINTED VOUCHER OF ALL THE MEMBERS OF YOUR GROUP OR FAMILY (without exception). Just like a plane ticket.

  13. If you arrive the day before the destination, go to the ticket offices before 5:00 p.m. to complete the procedure and obtain your PASS.

  14. If you will pick them up on day 1, remember to go very early because the procedure takes time, especially if you booked a class first thing in the morning.

  15. In exchange for the VOUCHERS they will give you the PASS.

  16. The loss of the PASE has a cost of $ 100.- to generate a new card.

Clases de Ski
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